As the popularity of the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure increases there are many surgeons who claim to specialize in the procedure. Fat grafting is a highly technique-dependent procedure, and some surgeons are having more success than others.
Here are some questions to consider when selecting the best plastic surgeon for a Brazilian Butt Lift:
- Do you enjoy performing Brazilian Butt Lifts?
Find a surgeon who loves to do Brazilian Butt Lifts. Many surgeons hate performing Brazilian Butt Lifts because it is very labor and time intensive. A truly passionate plastic surgeon will take the time and care to make sure you get the optimal shape and size you want.
- How do you perform the procedure?
You want to have the surgeon explain his technique so that you understand how he performs the procedure. The Brazilian Butt Lift has 3 distinct parts: Liposuction, Fat Processing, and Fat Re-injection. Each component’s process is critical to the success of the entire surgery:
- Liposuction
The fat removal is as important as the fat reinjection. It generally includes three key areas, the abdomen, flanks and lower back, however, it can include other areas as desired. Liposuction of these three areas narrows the waist, defines the hips and accentuates the lower back to butt transition. These areas are accessed through several small incisions that generally heal with minimal to no scars. Multiple access points not only increase the amount of fat harvested, but also prevents contour irregularities, through what is called “cross hatching.”
- Fat Processing
There are many different techniques to process the fat. While no one technique has clinically shown to be superior in terms of fat cell survival rates, there is a dramatic difference in operating room time required to perform this part of the operation. You want to make sure that the technique used by your surgeon is atraumatic to the fat cells and time efficient.
- Fat Re-injection
The fat should be re-injected using small cannulas in thin, linear aliquots, in multiple planes, from multiple access points. This is also known as the micro droplet technique. This ensures that the fat will survive and the result will last. If the fat is injected in large bunches (instead of small quantity injections), it will be reabsorbed by the body.
- How long will my surgery take?
Because of the meticulous way the fat has to be extracted (liposuction), processed, and reinjected to get a permanent result, the surgery is time consuming. Typically, a Brazilian Butt Lift will take two to three hours. Overall, it depends on the amount of liposuction performed (to get the most fat) and the amount of fat to be reinjected into your buttocks. A general guideline is:
- Liposuction of three areas: minimum one-two hours
- Fat processing: varies and can be done simultaneously
- Fat Reinjection: one hour
- What is your idea of the best result for me?
You should expect the surgeon to address how your whole body looks, not just enlarging the butt. Too many patients focus on volume of fat retention or how many cc’s they want rather than what looks good on their body type. Remember, the objective is to have a great looking body, not just a big butt. Ask the surgeon to describe what he thinks will produce the best result for you, specifically, paying attention to your whole body, not just your booty.
At Flower Mound Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Spa, we believe it is important to answer all of our patients’ questions during their initial consultation. We appreciate the diligence and attention to detail of our patients.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. J. Drew Sanderson, please call 972-691- 7900.